Jan 4, 20232 min6047 publishes the tracklist for episode 35.American DJ and producer 6047 has published his playlist for his new show.
Sep 29, 20202 min6047 announces playlist for his next show 30th of September.6047 has published his playlist for his new show for our radio station. Scientific Sound Asia is the English language underground...
Sep 22, 20202 min6047 announces playlist for his next show Thursday 23rd of September.6047 has published his track-list for his next show.
Sep 15, 20202 min6047 announces playlist and guest DJ for his next show.6047 has published his tracklist and announced his guest DJ Ashstafari for his next show.
Sep 1, 20202 min6047 announces playlist for his new show 2nd of September 2020.6047 has published his track-list for his next guest show.
May 19, 20202 min6047 announces tracklist for his new show 20th May 2020.6047 has published his track-list for his next show.
Apr 28, 20201 min6047 announces tracklist for his new show 29th April 2020.California native 6047 has announced his playlist for his show on Scientific Sound Asia Radio.